YFX is currently deployed on Arbitrum One, you can directly call the smart contract to trade, buy YLP, sell YLP.

Contracts for YFX V3


Add Liquidity(Buy YLP)

To add liquidity to a pool:

  1. Approve the Router contract for the base token and amount you would like to add for liquidity

  2. Call Router.addLiquidity with parameters to add USDC pools or other ERC20 pools

    • _pool: pool address

    • _amount: base token amount you would like to spend

    • isStakeLp: true if automatically to stake LP for earn (to be online)

    • _deadline: request deadline timestamp

  3. Call Router.addLiquidityETH with parameters to add ETH pools

    • _pool: pool address

    • _amount: base token amount you would like to spend, should be less than transaction value

    • isStakeLp: true if automatically to stake LP for earn (to be online)

    • _deadline: request deadline timestamp for price protection

Remove Liquidity ( Sell YLP)

To remove liquidity from a pool:

  1. Call Router.removeLiquidity with parameters to remove liquidity from USDC pools or other ERC20 pools:

    • _pool: pool address

    • _liquidity: how much liquidity you would like to remove

    • isUnstake: should unstake staked LP from earn (to be online)

    • _deadline: request deadline timestamp for price protection

  2. Call Router.removeLiquidityETH to remove liquidity from ETH pools, parameters are the same as above.

Open Position

To open a position:

  1. Approve the Router contract for the margin asset token and amount you would like to spend as the initial margin

  2. Call Router.takerOpen or takerOpenETH with parameters:

    struct TakerOpenParams {
        address _market;        // market contract address
        bytes32 inviterCode;    // inviter code
        uint128 minPrice;       // min price for the slippage
        uint128 maxPrice;       // max price for the slippage
        uint256 margin;         // margin of this order
        uint16 leverage;    	// leverage
        int8 direction;         // order direction, 1: long, -1: short
        int8 triggerDirection;  // trigger flag {1: index price >= trigger price, -1: index price <= trigger price}
        uint256 triggerPrice;	// trigger price
        uint256 deadline;		// request deadline timestamp for price protection

Close Position

To Close a position:

  • Call Router.takerClose with parameters:

    struct TakerCloseParams {
        address _market;            // market contract address
        uint256 id;                 // position id
        bytes32 inviterCode;        // inviter code
        uint128 minPrice;           // min price for the slippage
        uint128 maxPrice;           // max price for the slippage
        uint256 amount;             // position amount to close
        int8 triggerDirection;      // trigger flag {1: index price >= trigger price, -1: index price <= trigger price}
        uint256 triggerPrice;		// trigger price
        uint256 deadline;			// request deadline timestamp for price protection


Everyone can liquidate other positions that should be liquidated. Liquidation keeper can get 2USDC reward each time.

To run a liquidation keeper, you should:

  1. Trace positions. You can trace positions by our subgraph or listen contract event.

  2. Call Periphery.getPositionStatus to check if the position can be liquidated. Return value with true means this position can be liquidated.

  3. Call Router.liquidateByCommunity to execute liquidation.

  4. Call Vault.collectExecutedFee to get liquidation bonus.

Get Position Info

To get your position information:

  • Call Market.getPositionId to get position id

    • _taker: position owner address

    • _direction: 1: long, -1: short

  • Call Market.getPosition with the position id

Last updated

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