Found in June 2020, originated from the classic mathematical formula y=f(x)
YFX - Decentralized Perpetual Exchange
YFX is a leading decentralized perpetual protocol that began in 2020. After three years and four versions of iterations, YFX has transitioned to a community-based. Currently, the project is co-managed by a community geek representative, 0xEuler, along with several developers from the technical community. The restructured YFX team, based on the current market demand for decentralized perpetual contracts, has launched the brand new V4 version. The design of the V4 version will greatly enhance the capital utilization rate and system fairness of the YFX protocol.
YFX Current Version
YFX.COM Slogan
In Math, We Trust. In Blockchain, We Trustless.
Common Links
Official website: https://www.yfx.com
Telegram: https://t.me/YFX_COM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YFX_COM
Discord: https://discord.gg/SqBxPQXW2P
Medium: https://yfxdefi.medium.com/
E-mail: contact@yfx.com
Last updated